Thoughtfully planned with your success in mind. This study guide contains 41 pages covering 19 clinical topics necessary to pass your FNP certification exam. Designed for simplicity, information is presented mostly in bullet format for easy and quick learning. Material was gathered from multiple resources including peer reviewed journals and organizational guidelines.
It’s not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars in study materials to be successful on the FNP certification exam. This study guide will provide you with more information than other popular study courses at a fraction of the price. You will not regret this purchase!
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We tried to cover topics from head to toe and then some. The 19 subjects covered in this FNP exam prep are: Neuro, Psych, EENT, Pulmonology, Cardiology, GI, Urology, STIs, Men’s health, Women’s health, Pregnancy, Growth, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Endocrine, Hematology, Antibiotics/medications, and very briefly, Vitamins that weren’t covered elsewhere.
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